Byzantine Beginnings is the brainchild of Amy Hogg, chanter and educator. Inspired by a cooperative games based approach for teaching western music theory called Music Mind Games (MMG), Amy began creating Byzantine Beginnings materials in 2011. At first the ByzB materials were direct adaptations or re-creations of MMG materials. As Amy learned the notation, theory, and oral tradition more deeply, she began creating completely new materials and adapting methods from best practices that she encountered in second language acquisition, Montessori curriculum, Suzuki piano, as well as Music Mind Games. This culminated in the creation of her ByzB 100 classes that are offered at Trisagion School of Byzantine Music.
Amy Hogg serves as the Protopsaltria at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Pittsburgh. She received her Certificate in Byzantine Chant from Holy Cross School of Theology in May of 2017 and the Figure Proficiency certification from Estill Voice International in 2021. and is on the board of the St. John of Damascus Society and is the co-host of the Byzantine chant podcast, A Sacrifice of Praise.